Utility Bill Help

Check your propane tank gauge periodically to maintain above 30% level of propane fuel in your tank. If you think you cannot make an energy bill payment, call 211 or go to: MI211.org
Deliverable Fuel–Propane
  • For fuel oil and propane, a delivery to fill the tank is considered a 30-day supply.
  • Payment for propane will not be made if the propane tank contains more than 30% of its heating fuel capacity.
  • If, on delivery, the existing propane supply is greater than 30% of the heating fuel capacity, the SER payment shall not be made.

Exception: For deliverable fuel, if the remaining fuel in the household’s tank is above 30 percent but they have received a notice that their tank will be locked/disconnected or the tank has been locked/disconnected due to an unpaid balance, a policy exception can be submitted through Bridges to assist, up to the cap if all other eligibility requirements are met.

Deposits, special trip charges, delivery fees, pilot relights, pressure checks, reconnect fees, and related charges such as storage tank (pig) installation, delivery or rental can be paid if they are necessary to prevent an emergency and are required by the provider. These fees are not included in the fiscal year cap but do have a dollar limit per occurrence.

  • An individual or household has a past due account or shut-off notice on an energy bill for his or her household.
  • A residential fuel tank is estimated to contain no more than 30 percent of its heating fuel capacity.
  • A stated need for household deliverable fuel or nontraditional fuel source such as wood, corn, cherry pits, etc.
  • A notice that the balance of a prepayment account is below $100.
  • A statement from a licensed service provider indicating the homeowner’s furnace is inoperable and in need of repair or replacement.
  • The household is not protected by Michigan’s Winter Protection Plan (WPP) or some other shut off protection/moratorium.
  • The household has experienced disconnection of natural gas or electric service, has ran out of their household heating fuel, or the household has a statement from a licensed service providing indicating that the furnace is inoperable and in need of repair or replacement.
  • Restoration of energy service(s) is medically necessary.
  • The household does not have any temporary housing

The Home Heating Credit offers support for heating costs. Michigan Department of Treasury determines eligibility and makes payments.

Keep in mind:

  • You do not need to file a state income tax return to receive the Home Heating Credit.
  • You may apply for the Home Heating Credit only.
  • Eligibility is based on income, number of exemptions and household heating costs.

Review the Home Heating Credit Claim Instruction Book for more details and complete the MI-1040CR-7 Claim Form to apply.

Forms are automatically mailed to households that received a credit last year. Applications are available from mid- to late January and may be made through September 30 of each year. 

Weatherization Assistance Program provides free home energy conservation services to low-income Michigan homeowners and renters. Services reduce energy use and lower utility bills.

Services typically include: 

  • Wall Insulation.
  • Attic Insulation and Ventilation.
  • Foundation Insulation.
  • Air Leakage Reduction.
  • Smoke Detectors.
  • Dryer Venting.

Services are administered by local Community Action Agencies and nonprofit organizations.

Contact your local Weatherization Operator to get started.

Eligibility is based on household income being at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. If you receive cash assistance administered by the Department of Human Services or Supplemental Security Income, you automatically qualify for this no-cost program.

If in Crisis, Get Help:
Call 211 or go to MI211.org

Energy Type Fiscal Year Cap

Natural Gas & Wood


Deliverable Fuel (Fuel oil, Propane, Coal)


Other Fuel (Kerosene, Corn Pellets, Cherry Pits, etc.)


Residential Electric (Not used for heat)


All-Electric (Combined heat & residential use)


Deposits/Fees for Energy Service

$200 per Occurrence

How to Read a Propane Tank Gauge Flyer

Additional Home Heating
Resources by County

Click your region to find agencies to assist you in paying your natural gas, propane, fuel oil or electricity heating bill.

Additional Home Heating Resources by County

Click your region to find agencies to assist you in paying your natural gas, propane, fuel oil or electricity heating bill.