Weatherize for Monthly Savings
You can save over 20% on your monthly utility bills, even more by keeping your furnace and water heater working efficiently.
According to the Department of Energy, a household pays about $2,000 a year for utility bills, with the furnace taking up approximately $900 of that total.
Weatherizing your home can reduce costs by 20%, and it’s reduced even more when you keep heat and hot water systems running smoothly. Taking advantage of rebates and tax credits will provide additional help.
Weatherization includes:
Furnace Checkup
Have a professional service your heating / ventilation where they replace dirty filters and check safety issues to prevent carbon monoxide leaks.
Insulate Your Hot Water System
Placing foam “sleeves” around water pipes or near exterior walls can save $80 / year and prevents pipes from freezing. Also wrapping a heat jacket around your hot-water heater (if allowed by your utility company) prevents it from working so hard.
Get Rid of Leaky Doors and Windows
Windows that don’t fit quite right may let cold air in. Try caulking or inexpensive weather stripping around the interior window to prevent drafts.
Attic Heat Loss
The attic of a home is where a lot of heat is lost if it’s not insulated. If you see that the insulation is uneven, there may be a problem. It’s best to hire a trained insulation contractor review and fix the issue.
Basements and Crawl Spaces
Both of these areas can cause nearly one-third of a home’s heat loss. It’s best to get a professional to help seal them properly.
Rebates and Tax Breaks
With President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, you may be eligible for $4,000-$8,000 when cutting your energy use, based on income. Check with your tax expert to tell you more about what you are eligible for.
Resource: Consumer Reports

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